Monday, July 16, 2012

We're moving! Again.

If it seems like I was just writing about how we're "finally getting settled into our new place" it's because we were. We've only lived in our place about 5 months and we're already busting out of here. When we first moved in to our little duplex right in midtown, we knew this place was temporary. We kept our eye on Craigslist and made the most of our little love shack. Whenever I grumbled about the train that woke us up in the middle of the night by shaking our bed (resulting in a couple hours of tossing and turning and some unfortunate moves on Words with Friends) or not having a dishwasher, Matt would always roll his eyes and say "Those are such first world problems, we're fine" (I can hear my sister laughing at me all the way from Kenya). And he's right. We are beyond blessed to call this place with a roof, food and a warm bed our home.

But then this little gem popped up on Craigslist with words like "fireplace" and "vegetable garden" or my personal favorites, "porch" and "pantry". We checked it out and were completely smitten with its 1936 charm and birch trees sprinkled throughout the yard. The woman who owns the place has done an incredible job restoring it and is graciously renting it to us for what seems like a steal when I calculate how much money I'm going to save making fresh orange juice from the trees in the backyard.

As we glanced over the rental agreement, I kept telling myself not to be swept away by the aesthetics of the place, but to think about it practically. We want something that allows us the space and amenities to open up our home to our family and friends, and this place fits the bill perfectly.

And just so happens to have a dishwasher.


  1. I have been looking forward to this post for a week! So glad it's up!!! Now about that ONE picture- I need much, much more than that. Please take before (and then after) pictures when you have the house for those of us who thoroughly stalk you. Thanks!

  2. Yay! So happy for you guys. The place sounds wonderful!

  3. Wow! Carlie, such a beautiful doorway (seriously)! I cannot wait to swap new home pictures with you and, of course, visit <3

  4. my new (future) house has a fireplace, vegetable garden, porch and pantry! we twinsies.
